(doo wah doo)
Do you want to know a secret?
(doo wah doo)

Do you promise not to tell?
(oh ... oh ... oh ... oh)
(doo wah doo)

Let me whisper in your ear...
Say the words you want to hear....
This shawl will be completed and up for auction, soon, for a very good cause.
Upon completion, the shawl will be auctioned on Ebay as a fundraiser for the
Kagyu Thubten Choling Monastery
in memory of
the mother and sister
of knitwear designer Lily Chin,
both of whom died
earlier this year.
Pattern: Voodoo Shawl by Dez Crawford (soon to be available)
Knitted by: Dez Crawford and Lisa Louie
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts -- Socks that Rock -- lightweight -- 360 yards -- 4.5 oz. -- "Chapman Springs" colorway
Funds donated in memory of Lily's mother (Linda) and sister (Mabel) will be contributed to the construction fund for a prayer hall and cultural center at the monastery.
Stay tuned to this blog for the announcement of the auction.
Private donations can also be sent to:
Kagyu Thubten Choling Monastery
245 Sheafe Road
Wappingers Falls, NY
Lisa Louie and I have embarked on this project together. We will each knit half of the shawl. I completed my half the other day, and put the shawl and yarn in the mail to Lisa. She will finish, photograph and block the completed shawl, set up the auction on Ebay, and mail the shawl to the winner.
While I was knitting my share of the shawl, I gave a lot of thought to the Buddhist concept of the "Field of Merit." Put simply, this is the idea that all of our actions, however great or small, affect others, and that no being exists in this world without an entire network of other beings who work in ways, large and small, for the benefit of one another.
I meditated on the yarn going through my hands. There were people who raised, nourished and cared for the sheep. Someone sheared the wool, which was then carded and spun into yarn. Dye was produced, and the dyers at Blue Moon Fiber Arts then infused this yarn with their energy, which then came into my hands, and passed across fingers and needles, and which now is in route to Lisa in Hawaii, who will infuse it with her own energy.
Many people have been involved in smaller, but no less important ways: the people who tend the machines at the yarn mill, the people who manufactured the needles, the many people who carried packages so that yarn and wool could travel to and fro, and Tom the mail carrier who put the box in my hands.
And then there is Lily Chin,
who has given us all so much beauty, and her mother and sister, who gave beauty to her, and all of their interactions, which played their part in making Lily the person she is.
And so we want to remember these two women, and we think this is the best way to honor them, and to honor Lily as well for all she has given to us in the world of knitting.
there is also the person who will win the bid on this shawl,
perhaps as a present to celebrate a joyful occasion,
perhaps to give as a comfort to a grieving friend,
or maybe simply for the pleasure of having a good shawl, and the satisfaction of donating money
to people who,
in their turn, do good for others.
Stay tuned for updates on the progress of the shawl,
more information about the monastery,
the opening date of the auction,
and for the introduction of Pineapple Gumbo, the collaborated knitting efforts
of Dez Crawford and Lisa Louie.
p.s. --my apologies for the odd spacing; I will try to correct it on Blogger.
Beautiful yarn - beautiful shawl - beautiful people with a beautiful idea.
Oh, and I *love* the name 'Pineapple Gumbo' too -- perfect!!!
Look forward to the bidding war!
Oh and THANK YOU ... now I've got that song rattling around in my head and I CAN'T GET IT OUT!!!
dez, what a lovely thought and gorgeous shawl. how you find time for all you do leaves me in awe--always. yours, naomi
Shawl update:
Shawl arrived safe and sound in Maui on Monday afternoon. Knitting has begun! More to follow.
Lisa Louie
A lovely thought, Dez, and I have always found an echo in my own heart of much Buddhist philosophy. I love and admire Lily Chin's work too, so I'm singing right in tune with you.
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